
If you have received cash donations from offline fundraising activities (such as a raffle or donation jar collection), please fill in the below form.

Once we receive the below form, allow 3 to 4 business days, and we will get back to you with the banking process. After donations have been received in our bank account, they will be manually added to your page.

If any of your Loud Shirt Day supporters require a receipt for a donation over $2, please make sure you include their details below. 

If you require multiple receipts, please contact us at to organise. 

Please call us on 07 3850 2111 if you require any assistance with offline donations.

I am paying in money raised from my Loud Shirt Day donation jars.
I received a cash donation and need to transfer it to Hear and Say's bank account.
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If you require a receipt, please fill in the below details to help generate the receipt.


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