Guymer Bailey Art Show 2024 Raffle

Purchase your tickets today to take part in our multi prize raffle that will take place during the Art Show.

How the raffle works.

  • Purchase your raffle tickets today.
  • You will receive an envelope with your lucky tickets when you arrive at the Art Show.
  • You then have an opportunity to view all the raffle prizes on offer. 
  • In front of each prize, there will be a box where you can place your lucky raffle tickets. 
  • It's up to you to choose which box you place your raffle tickets in. 
  • You can place all your tickets in one of the boxes, giving you a better chance to win that prize, but you are also welcome to split your entries over multiple prizes.
  • It's up to you how you use your tickets.
  • The raffle will be drawn during the Art Show on Friday 18 October.